VIM Fit Fest Week 07 at Memorial Park – Fitness for the whole Family with Rosalind from Uptown Fitness

Welcome to Week 7 of VIM Fit Fest, a virtual wellness experience celebrating Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) Clinic’s 25th Anniversary! This week we visited Memorial Park with Rosalind Neilen, owner and trainer with Rosalind’s Uptown Fitness. Rosalind created a fun workout for the whole family inspired by wild animals.

Memorial Park is in the heart of Stuart and hosts some of the biggest annual events including Arts Fest and the Veteran’s Day Parade. The park includes a bandshell for concerts, racquet sports courts, walking paths, a gazebo, picnic pavilions, ponds, bridges, and lots of green space. In the center of the park is a memorial to veterans from various wars throughout American history. The park is next door to the Martin County Courthouse and is in easy walking distance from many shops and restaurants downtown.

Rosalind Neilen loves to inspire people to get fit and feels it is especially important to get kids excited about fitness. This summer the City of Stuart hosted summer camp at Memorial Park and Rosalind had a chance to have fun with the kids.

First she got everyone running in place as fast as a cheetah, which is a great warm-up.

Next she encouraged everyone to get in touch with their inner gorilla for some arm swinging and wide leg walking. This helps to stretch tight muscles which can tense up for too much sitting.

Finally she had everyone jumping like starfish, again stretching muscles while also getting that heart-rate up.

If you have young people in your life, this is a fantastic way to show them how to enjoy physical activity.

Thank you for joining us at Memorial Park for this relaxing program. Share your progress with the hashtag #vimfitfest and #stuartflparks and post on your favorite social media sites. If you don’t do social media, no worries! Simply send us an email to and tell us how you’re doing with your wellness journey.

Sharon Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Rosalind Neilen speaks at Palm Beach Post Storytellers Project


Rosalind Neilen Opens Fitness Studio at 555 Place in downtown Stuart